Monday, December 24, 2007

Beta Fish Care Tips

Beta Fish Care

Tips & Advice to care for your beta!

- When buying a tank make sure there is ample room for your beta to swim, live, and eventually grow into. They do get bigger, so take that into consideration.

-Replace his/her water every couple days, and when replacing water make sure to have the replacement water at room temp. Shock can result from not doing this, and can in some cases cause death. It's up to you if you want a filtration system for your beta, but its not necessary.

-Beta fish can not live with other beta fish, they will fight, and sometimes until the death. You can find out more about breeding beta fish in the Betta Lovers Care Guide.

-When you took science back in high school, you learned about ph. Acids, and Bases, well water is neutral on the ph scale at 7.0. This is what the ph of your beta's water should be at. To acidic, or basic, and it can be harmful. So try to maintain a constant 7.0 ph.

-Beta fish will jump, so its best to keep the water level 2-4 inches from top of the bowl, and it would probably be best to keep something covering the bowl.

-You can feed your beta pet store betta pellets, but they occasionally enjoy eating live food. Some foods that will make your fish a happy fish are brine shrimp, and frozen bloodworms. Who doesn't love shrimp, not me. After all they are fish, and fish cannot resist a live meal.

These are just a couple of things to remember for mastering beta fish care. To learn everything, and I mean everything you need to know to care for your beta fish be sure to get a beta fish care e-book.

Visit my beta fish care e-book review page

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